Windows 7 Fully Transparent Taskbar
TransBar 1.4.2 is a handy little app to make your taskbar transparent. Originally made for Windows XP, it works flawlessly on Windows 7 and Vista (yep, x64 too). The only disadvantage of the tool is that it will make the taskbar completely transparent, including the taskbar icons. So, basically you shouldn’t make it too transparent or you will barely see any icons at all. Method 2: Making the taskbar fully transparent using TranslucentTB. TranslucentTB is an user-developed tool that can be used to transform your taskbar into a totally transparent (or translucent) bar. Aside from Windows 10, this tool will also work with Windows 8 and Windows 7.
Thenyoushould right-clickontheTaskbarTransparencyicontoopenthesmallwindowbelow.First,enterahotkeythatwhenpressedwilladjustthetransparencylevelofthetaskbar.Forexample,thehotkeycouldbeCtrl+Alt+T.
Windows 7 Fully Transparent Taskbar Desktop
Nextenteratransparencylevelnumber.Lowernumbersincreasethetransparencylevelofthetaskbar.Youcannotenteravaluehigherthanthedefault255.Enter 0,clicktheOkaybuttonandthenpressthedesignatedshortcutkey.Thetaskbar then vanishes completelyasbelow!Presstheshortcutkeyagaintobringitback.