What Is Opening Time Of Forex Market Pakistan Time

USD/INR68.94-0.089996-0.13037368.9069.0368.825- 69.0925
EUR/USD1.1296-0.0077-0.6770391.1371.13731.1293- 1.1371
GBP/INR87.1888-0.376503-0.42996887.666387.565387.1854- 87.6663
EUR/INR78.277-0.266998-0.33993578.354978.54478.0257- 78.379
USD/JPY108.4640.6139980.569308108.11107.85108.10- 108.533
GBP/USD1.2638-0.0058-0.4568371.26941.26961.2632- 1.2706
DXY Index96.3860.2560040.26631196.25496.1396.251- 96.611
JPY/INR0.6373-0.0025-0.3907470.6380.63980.6354- 0.6386
USD/CAD1.31310.00360.2749141.30931.30951.3065- 1.3133
USD/SGD1.35670.00370.2734591.35281.3531.3513- 1.3568
AUD/USD0.6959-0.0061-0.8689460.7030.7020.6959- 0.7035
USD/SEK9.28820.00370.0398549.28359.28459.2768- 9.3231
CNY/INR10.0760.0240.2387610.08910.05210.064- 10.101
USD/CHF0.98730.0111.1267010.9770.97630.9772- 0.9874
USD/THB31.25-0.028-0.08951931.22331.27831.188- 31.266
USD/ZAR14.10510.01820.12919714.096314.086914.0361- 14.1735
USD/CNY6.766-0.0072-0.1063056.76346.77326.754- 6.7698
USD/HKD7.8478-0.0009-0.011477.84797.84877.8472- 7.8484
USD/KRW1125.7-3.100098-0.2746371125.971128.801123.25- 1126.95
NZD/USD0.6672-0.0046-0.6847260.67250.67180.6672- 0.6729

What Is Opening Time Of Forex Market Pakistan Time Now


What Is Opening Time Of Forex Market Pakistan Time Live

The Best Forex Trading Hours. Normally, for example, from 5 PM to 6 PM EST is not a promising time to trade. The only major open exchange is the Singapore exchange, which accounts for less than 10 percent of annual forex trading volume. If, however, there was a political or military crisis anywhere in the world that developed during this hour. These global business handoffs allow the foreign exchange market (FOREX-FX) to remain open 24 hours per weekday. However, trading volumes fluctuate and are not equal across all sessions. This map applies data that indicate that Forex trading sessions are vary either 8am to 4pm, or 9am to 5pm local time and anything between.

This entry was posted on 26.07.2019.