Unable To Call Coinitializesecurity

In this system, CoInitializeSecurity is called only in a client. The program call this API to set the authentic information which is not depending on who execute (or logged in), to connect DCOM server. Home Latest Posts Latest News Software updates News Facing issues like 0x80070643 with KB4056892 & KB4056891, here are official workarounds. Facing issues like 0x80070643 with KB4056892 & KB4056891, here are official workarounds. When calling CoInitializeSecurity, the call will fail if passing RPCCIMPLEVELNONE under certain.

  1. Unable To Call Coinitializesecurity
  2. Coinitializesecurity Appid
  3. Unable To Call Coinitializesecurity Text

Open source .NET client library for OPC DA. The library provides you with .NET COM wrappers for OPC DA interoperability.


  • Support of local and network OPC DA servers.
  • Support of OPC DA 1.0, 2.05A, 3.0.
  • Browsing of OPC DA servers.
  • Async/await in read and write operations.
  • Subscription to data changes via .NET events.
  • Support of server shutdown events.
  • Easy resource management.


Run the following command in the NuGet Package Manager console:

See NuGet package.

Basic usage

The following examples cover basic usages of the library. Assume you have an application with installed NuGet package of the library.

Bootstrapping the library

Call Bootstrap.Initialize() in the start of your application. An application process should be started under MTA apartment state due to CoInitializeSecurity call during the library initialization. See explanation.

Connecting to an OPC DA server

You should create OPC DA server instance first and then connect to it.


Browsing elements

You can browse all elements of any OPC DA servers versions with OpcDaBrowserAuto.

Creating a group with items

You can add a group with items to the OPC DA server.

Reading values

Items of a group can be read either synchronously or asynchronously.

Writing values

Also items of a group can be written either synchronously or asynchronously.

Getting values by subscription

A group can be configured for providing a client with new values when they are changed.


  • Check Opc Core Components (https://opcfoundation.org/developer-tools/developer-kits-classic/core-components) installed on your system first. It is possible you have not installed OPCEnum service.
  • To run unit tests in NUnit, it should be configured with x86 envirenment.
  • In Visual Studio, set your project to use 'Prefer 32-bit'. Project Properties → Build → 'Prefer 32-bit' in Platform target. The code should be compiled as 32-bit.

API documentation

Comming soon...

##LicenseThe MIT License (MIT) – LICENSE.

Unable To Call Coinitializesecurity

I'm currently studying VSHADOW.EXE 3.0 from the MS Windows SDK 6.1. I have made a version which can be compiled into a DLL that only exports one newly written function which expects the commandline as a string, tokenizes it, and then calls the old wmain. The DLL is not a COM server.

It works exactly as the old one when compiled as an EXE but doesn't quite work when compiled as a DLL because this call fails:

which fails with HRESULT error 0x80010119 (RPC_E_TOO_LATE, Security must be initialized before any interfaces are marshalled or unmarshalled. It cannot be changed once initialized.)

I run the exported function from a VB6 program where the function is imported with Declare Function vss Lib vshadow.dll ....

Does the error mean that the VB6 program already called CoInitializeSecurity? What can I do against the error?

Also, I have another question: why were exactly the security values RPC_C_AUTHN_LEVEL_PKT_PRIVACY and RPC_C_IMP_LEVEL_IDENTIFY chosen? What impact would other settings have?

Felix Dombek
Felix DombekFelix Dombek
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1 Answer

Coinitializesecurity Appid

There are a couple of standard COM calls that do not belong in a DLL. Like CoInitializeEx(), the call that initializes COM for a thread. The DLL doesn't own the thread, it is powerless to override the apartment state that the EXE selected.

CoInitializeSecurity() is another one, it is the job of the EXE to call it. Only it knows the proper values to pass, it's the one that determines the security policy. A DLL can't, it doesn't know anything about the client process.

Hans PassantHans Passant

Unable To Call Coinitializesecurity Text

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This entry was posted on 15.09.2019.