Sims 4 Seasons Cheats
Want to change the season on a whim? Want to force specific type of weather in the game? Then head over to TwistedMexi’s Sims 4 Seasons Master Cheats List!
- The Sims 4 Seasons Cheats Control Weather and Change the Season. The Sims 4 Seasons Expansion includes some unique cheats in the form of weather control, and of course it's possible to cheat your skills. Here's a guide to cheating in Seasons and what you'll need to change the weather. Note that to fully take advantage of these you will need a mod.
- Sims 4 cheats let you explore your creative boundaries without worrying about pesky rules. Want a quick influx of cash? How about a free house, or an ideal world where Sims never die?
These cheats were discovered by a Twitter user who goes by TwistedMexi. Cheats listed here must be typed exactly as written but can be highlighted, copied (with CTRL + C), and pasted into the cheat console (with CTRL + V) to make it easier.
As with all Cheats, you must first press CTRL + Shift + C if you're on a PC to bring up the cheat console. For Macs, you must press CMD + Shift + C. For the PlayStation 4 or Xbox One, press all four shoulder buttons, though as of this writing the Seasons Expansion Pack is not available for consoles.
Once the cheat console is up, first type the following:
If it worked, the phrase 'Cheats Enabled' should appear below the console. After that, all the following codes should work.
Set Season[edit]
Change X to 0 for summer, 1 for fall, 2 for winter, or 3 for spring.
Advance Season[edit]
Changes summer to fall, fall to winter, winter to spring, or spring to summer.
Advances an adult Sim one step in the Gardener career or advances a Teenager Sim one step in the Scout career respectively.
Replace X with 1 through 10 for Flower Arranging or 1 through 5 for Skating to apply the skill levels.
These cheats can be used regardless of the current weather.
Random Strike[edit]
The lightning will strike something or someone at random, or may not hit anything at all. Note that it's possible you'll hear the thunder and see the flash, but the bolt may be off-screen.
Sim Strike[edit]
First type the following cheat:
…and replace 'FirstName' and 'LastName' with the name of the Sim in question. After that, you'll get a long string of numbers representing their ID. Observe the screenshot below:
If you're playing in Windowed Mode, it may be easier to Alt-Tab out of the game at that point and bring up Notepad, then type the string of numbers into that. Then, you can copy-and-paste the following cheat and your target's ID number:
Just replace X with the Sim's ID number, and you'll summon a strike onto them! Remember that a Sim will survive one lightning strike, but will die if struck a second time in quick succession.
Exact Position Strike[edit]
Replace X, Y, and Z with whole numbers, which represent the coordinates. However, this will take some experimentation as the coordinates (including the origin) are unable to be found in-game even through use of other cheats. With some trial-and-error you may be able to discover where your axes are on your lot.
This is a two-part cheat code, though you'll want to type everything on the same line. The overall form of the cheat is thus:
The first one adds the trait to the current active Sim, while the second one removes the trait. If you try to add a trait you already have or remove one you don't, the cheat will be ignored. In all cases, replace X with the trait you wish to add or remove. Note that X needs to be typed without spaces, even if the trait itself has multiple words.
Reward Traits[edit]
Sims 4 Seasons Cheats
The new Reward Traits for Seasons are listed below. Note they are written here without spaces so you can copy-and-paste them more easily into the cheat console.
Sims 4 Seasons Codes
- ColdAcclimation
- HeatAcclimation
- Waterproof
- StormChaser
- Heatproof
- Iceproof
- ScoutingAptitude (teenagers only)
Ghost Traits[edit]
These traits convert your target to a ghost and colors them differently based on how they died. Again these are written to be copy-and-pasted into the cheat console.
- Ghost_Lightning
- Ghost_Overheat
- Ghost_Frozen
Father Winter Traits[edit]
Sims 4 Seasons Cheats Skating
Father Winter is the Sims equivalent to Santa Claus, and he can appear during the Winterfest holiday. With the first cheat in this list, you can flag a different Sim as Father Winter; with the second, you can flag a Sim as the child of Father Winter.
- HolidayTradition_FatherWinter
- FatherWinterBaby
Note that as of this writing these cheats are unreliable. Even if they work, it may take a short amount of time for them to activate. It's far more reliable instead to use the classic 'rosebud' or 'motherlode' cheat to add money to your family's account and buy the Dr. June's Weather Control Device from Build Mode and change the weather that way instead.
The cheat is as follows:
Then replace X with one of the following based on what you wish to change the weather to. The names of the cheats are self-explanatory:
- weather_Cloudy_Cold
- weather_Cloudy_Cool
- weather_Cloudy_DryLightning
- weather_Cloudy_Freezing
- weather_Cloudy_Hot
- weather_Cloudy_Warm
- weather_Heatwave
- weather_PartlyCloudy_Cold
- weather_PartlyCloudy_Cool
- weather_PartlyCloudy_Freezing
- weather_PartlyCloudy_Hot
- weather_PartlyCloudy_Warm
- weather_Rain_Heavy_Cold
- weather_Rain_Heavy_Cool
- weather_Rain_Heavy_Warm
- weather_Rain_Storm_Cold
- weather_Rain_Storm_Warm
- weather_Rain_Light_Cold
- weather_Rain_Light_Cool
- weather_Rain_Light_Warm
- weather_Rain_Storm_Cool
- weather_Snow_Heavy_Freezing
- weather_Snow_Light_Freezing
- weather_Snow_Storm
- weather_Snow_Thundersnow
- weather_Sunny_Burning
- weather_Sunny_Cool
- weather_Sunny_Cold
- weather_Sunny_Freezing
- weather_Sunny_Hot
- weather_Sunny_Warm
- weather_SunShower_Cool
- weather_SunShower_Hot
- weather_SunShower_Warm
- weather_Sunsnow
- weather_Windy_Burning
- weather_Windy_Cool
- weather_Windy_Cold
- weather_Windy_Freezing
- weather_Windy_Hot
- weather_Windy_Warm
The Sims 3 Seasons Cheats
- PC Submitted by Ada
If you are tired of any season that you are in, you can press Ctrl+Shift+C and then type in 'testingcheatsenabled true'. After you've done that, you go to your sim's house and you shift+click on your sim's foundation (aka the ground I guess) and one of the options should say 'Seasons...' or something like that. You can change the temperature, you can change the weather, and you can change the season. It's very helpful.
The Sims 3 Seasons Hints
- PC Submitted by Storm1485Control Weather and Wind without the Climatron Control Unit
Ctrl+Shift+C 'testingcheatsenabled true'
If you don't already have 'testingcheatsenabled true' then bring up the cheat window by pressing Ctrl+Shift+C, Enter testingcheatsenabled true
Then hover your cursor over the ground on any lot any where hold Left Shift+ Left mouse Click a interaction will show 'Seasons' from there you can control the weather season and wind.
In addition to this cheat you can get the 'Time/Weather Change Mod' from the MOD the Sims can change time/Cloud cover and more.