Nexus Mod Manager Not Opening Windows 10
I downloaded Skyrim from Steam, and I have a few mods from the Steam Workshop.
I decided to start using the Nexus Mod Manager (0.46.0) only to find that when it scanned my games it showed the error message:
Unable to get write permissions for: C:GamesNexus Mod ManagerSkyrimInstall Info
Nexus Mod Manager Doesn't Open (Fix in comments!). How To Fix Nexus Mod Manager From Not Opening - Duration. Setting up the perfect Windows 10 Installation Faster. This article will help you reassociate your NXM files with Nexus Mod Manager. By doing this you will be able to click on NXM URLs, or the green “Download with Manager” button on the Nexus Mods website to open the Nexus Mod Manager program. Here is what you need to do to re-associate your NXM files with Nexus Mod Manager: 1.
The Nexus Mod Manager (NMM) is a free and open source piece of software that allows you to download, install, update and manage your files through an easy to use interface.
I believe that I moved the file to the appropriate folder, etc. I'm sorry for being somewhat vague, but I am not computer savvy.
k0pernikus5 Answers
I ran into this problem today, and I've come up with a few solutions. The root cause is that the default folder that Nexus Mod Manager wants to install into is not typically writable by normal users. They want you to install into a subfolder of C:, and if you don't have administrator rights, chances are you can't create the 'Games' folder you need (C:Games).
You've got a few options:
Run the program as administrator. This way, it will have permissions to write to the root of C:, and then you can create the files/folders there. Just right click, and choose the 'Run as Administrator' option.
Get write permission on C:Games. You can do this if you have administrator rights by:
- Open your C: in Windows Explorer
- If the 'Games' folder does not exist, right click, choose 'New Folder' and name it 'Games'
- Right click on the 'Games' folder, and choose 'Properties'
- Click the 'Security' tab
- Click the 'Edit' button
- Click the 'Add' button
- Type your login name (if you log in as 'bobsmith' then you'd type 'bobsmith' here)
- Click 'Check Names' and if the name becomes underlined, you did it right! Click OK. If not, double check your login name from step 7.
- On the bottom half of the 'Permissions' dialog, click 'Full Control' for the user you just added.
- Click OK to dismiss this dialog, and then click OK on the properties dialog.
Now you can write to C:Games, which ought to make NMM happy.
Put your Nexus Mod Manager files somewhere else. If you install to some subdirectory of your home directory, you won't have to worry about permissions and so forth. When the Mod Manager asks you where you want to save the mod files, pick someplace under C:Users(your user name) or C:Documents and Settings(your user name), depending on the version of Windows you're using. You could potentially put this in your Documents folder, but I have 'projects' folder I created in my home directory, which works well for me.
You do not want to set these directories to something under C:Program Files or in the Steam folder, etc. This is a Bad Idea.
If you've already selected the default mod directories, you won't be asked if you want to change them when you get this error. If that's the case, you can edit or delete the config file so that you can pick a new directory.
The config file for Nexus Mod Manager is stored in %LOCALAPPDATA%Black_Tree_Gaming - you can copy and paste this into the address bar of Windows Explorer to go there, or paste it into the 'Run' or 'Search' dialog on the Start menu. Alternatively, from your user's home directory, look for 'AppData' and then 'Local' and then 'Black_Tree_Gaming'
The name of the directories in this folder depend on your version of NMM, but the file you're looking for is user.config. You can delete this file, but you'll lose any other NMM settings (including the location of any games that were scanned previously). You can also edit it with a text editor.
Look for a block that looks like:
The directories here are the ones you'd want to change to some folder you can write to.
Nexus Mod Manager Versions
agent86Check to see if your user account is listed and has full writing access and check if you are the owner.
There is a detailed explanation of how to do this located here.
kotekzotRun the NMM as an Administrator. This will fix your problem.
3venticI would never run any code/program as administrator (and I would disable UAC)
just to overcome a permissions error such as:
This would also be just like running code as root on linux/mac
The correct remedy for this would be to grant yourself write permissions to 'Games' and all sub-folders (including files) -- also you would want to take ownership of the folders.
The reason why it is a bad idea to run a program as an administrator is
because the program (and any dll/library that gets loaded) will have elevated privileges.
While in most cases that won't be an issue, but if someone has modified a dll/library with malicious intent -- then what ever code the library contains will run with elevated privileges [on windows UAC is not adequate enough to prevent it, since it won't catch code loaded from a library].
PS: UAC is designed to make it convenient to execute code with elevated privileges (even if your are not an administrator).This is another attack vector that malicious entities can use to get code to execute on your system (without being an administrator).
protected by Timmy JimApr 8 '17 at 20:11
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The Witcher 3: Wild HuntInvite to friendsInvite to friendsAccept invitationAccept invitationPending invitation...User since {{ user.formattedDateUserJoined }} Friends since {{ user.formattedDateUserFriended }} Unblock chat User blocked This user's wishlist is not public.You can't chat with this user due to their or your privacy settings.You can't chat with this user because you have blocked him.You can't invite this user because you have blocked him.and yeah I've opened chrome>settings>advanced settings, down to downloads and changed where to save the files but itdidn't help and eve when i was in that window it had nothing about files saving to NMM automatically
Chrome has nothing to do with NMM. If you want to download through Chrome you need to download manually.