Factors That Affect Frame Rate
The flicker fusion threshold does not prevent indirect detection of a high frame rate, such as the phantom array effect or wagon wheel effect, as human-visible side effects of a finite frame rate were still seen on an experimental 480Hz display. Display refresh rate. The two key parts that affect frameRate: CPU and GPU. CPU Side: All FPS boils down to two main aspects, the CPU and the video card (GPU). HeroBlade runs on the CPU side of the equation. It sets up graphical data and feeds it to the video card. It also runs scripts, animations and a few other things.
Lung cancer survival rates are difficult to talk about. Everyone is different, and it can feel bad reducing real people to statistics. That said, many people who are diagnosed with lung cancer—and their families—want some idea of what they can expect in the future.
So we will share what we know about lung cancer survival rates by type of lung cancer and stage of lung cancer. But first, it is important to have an understanding of what survival rates mean, and the variables that make survival rate different for each individual.
Definition of Survival Rate
Survival rate is a measure of the percent of people that are alive after a certain period of time. For example, a 5-year survival rate of 15 percent, would mean that 15 percent or 15 out of 100 people diagnosed with a certain condition would be alive after 5 years.
Survival rates do not say anything about whether someone is cured or if their disease has progressed. They also do not take into account whether someone has completed treatment or is still undergoing therapy for their condition.
It is also important to note the timing of statistics describing survival rates. Many of these numbers are compiled from data that is several years old. With lung cancer, many of the survival rates quoted are from data recorded in 2005. Because of this, survival rates will not reflect any newer treatments that may have improved the survival rate for a disease.
Definition of Median Survival
Sometimes, especially when the prognosis for a condition is poor, physicians will talk about median survival instead of survival rates. The median survival with a condition is the amount of time after which 50 percent of people have died and 50 percent are still alive. For example, if the median survival for a condition is 14 months, after 14 months 50 percent of the people would still be alive, and 50 percent of the people would have died.
Some Factors That Affect Lung Cancer Survival Rate
- General Health – Overall health can affect survival rate with lung cancer. Someone who is healthy and with excellent lung function will most likely do better than someone with other serious medical conditions or poor lung function.
- Sex – The survival rate for women with lung cancer is higher than that for men at all stages of the disease.
- Race – The overall survival rate is lower for black men and women than for white men and women.
- Continued Smoking after Diagnosis – In one recent study, individuals with early-stage lung cancer that were able to quit smoking had a survival rate twice as high as those who were unable to quit. Smoking also increases the risk of other medical conditions that can lower overall survival rate. Check out these reasons to quit smoking after a diagnosis of cancer.
- Treatments Used – Survival rates are compiled from a large number of individuals with lung cancer, regardless of the treatment they underwent. Someone who is able to tolerate treatment would likely fair better than someone who is otherwise too ill to go through any treatment.
Factors That Affect Frame Rate Calculator
- Things you can do yourself - From getting social support, to lowering your risk of blood clots, to being alert for depression, check out these things you can do yourself to improve survival.
Why Are Survival Rates Important
From a statistical standpoint, survival rates can give us information about how well we are doing with treating a disease like lung cancer. They can also let us know where more funding is needed.
For individuals, however, not everyone wants to know the survival rate for their disease. And that is okay. It is important to talk with your loved one living with lung cancer before you share these statistics. Some people find statistics discouraging at a time when they need encouragement alone.
On the other hand, some people do want to know the “average” length of survival with their illness. Reasons cited may be that they won’t put off that trip they have been planning if their prognosis is poor, or that it will give them time to “get their affairs in order” for those who will be left behind. For others, it may aid in making treatment decisions. Does the amount of time a particular treatment prolongs life, outweigh the side-effects of the treatment?
- American Cancer Society. Lung Cancer (Non-Small Cell.) Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer Survival Rates by Stage. 05/16/16.
- American Cancer Society. Lung Cancer (Small Cell.) Small Cell Lung Cancer Survival Rates by Stage. Updated 02/26/16.
- Ebright, M. et al. Clinical pattern and pathologic stage but not histologic features predict outcome for bronchioloalveolar carcinoma. The Annals of Thoracic Surgery. 2002. 74(15):1640-6.
- Henschke, C. et al. Survival of patients with stage 1 lung cancer detected on CT screening. The New England Journal of Medicine. 2006. 355(17):1763-71.
- Parsons, A. et al. Influence of smoking cessation after diagnosis of early-stage lung cancer on prognosis: systematic review of observational studies with meta-analysis. British Medical Journal BMJ2010:340:b5569. Published online 21 January 2010.
The rate of a reaction is a very important consideration in chemistry, particularly when reactions have industrial importance. A reaction that seems useful but proceeds too slowly is not going to be helpful in terms of making a product. The conversion of diamond into graphite, for example, is favored by thermodynamics but thankfully proceeds almost imperceptibly. Conversely, reactions that move too quickly can sometimes become hazardous. Reaction rate is controlled by multiple factors, all of which can be varied under controlled conditions.
Factors That Affect Frame Rate In The United States
In almost very case, raising the temperature of chemicals increases the rate of their reaction. This reaction is due to a factor known as 'activation energy.' The activation energy for a reaction is the minimum energy two molecules need in order to collide together with enough force to react. As the temperature rises, molecules move more vigorously, and more of them have the required activation energy, increasing the rate of the reaction. A very rough rule of thumb is that the rate of a reaction doubles for every 10 degrees Celsius rise in temperature.
Concentration and Pressure
When chemical reactants are in the same state -- both dissolved in a liquid, for example -- the concentration of the reactants typically affects the reaction rate. Increasing the concentration of one or more reactants will normally increase the reaction rate to some degree, since there will be more molecules to react per unit time. The degree to which the reaction speeds up depends on the particular 'order' of the reaction. In gas phase reactions, increasing the pressure will often raise the reaction rate in a similar manner.
The particular medium used to contain the reaction can sometimes have an effect on reaction rate. Many reactions take place in a solvent of some kind, and the solvent can increase or decrease the reaction rate, based on how the reaction occurs. You can speed up reactions that involve a charged intermediate species, for example, by using a highly polar solvent such as water, which stabilizes that species and promotes its formation and subsequent reaction.
Catalysts work to increase the rate of a reaction. A catalyst works by changing the normal physical mechanism of the reaction to a new process, which requires less activation energy. This means that at any given temperature, more molecules will possess that lower activation energy and will react. Catalysts accomplish this in a variety of ways, although one process is for the catalyst to act as a surface where chemical species are absorbed and held in a favorable position for subsequent reaction.
Surface Area
For reactions that involve one or more solid, bulk phase reactants, the exposed surface area of that solid phase can affect the rate. The effect normally seen is that the larger the surface area exposed, the faster the rate. This occurs because a bulk phase has no concentration as such, and so can only react at the exposed surface. An example would be the rusting, or oxidation, of an iron bar, which will proceed more quickly if more surface area of the bar is exposed.
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