Empire Total War Warpath Campaign

Empire: Total War – The Warpath Campaign DLC review. Something about this Empire adjunct has been bothering us since we installed it, and we think we’ve just figured out what that something is. The campaign premise is complete buffalo balls. The Mughal Empire, Iroquois Nation and Cherokee Nation factions have been unlocked for play. 30+ American Factions are available in Custom Battles. Custom Campaign – This is a modified Early Campaign with many modifications. The more notable ones are as follows: All factions start with full starting armies except Maratha.


  • Senior MemberPosts: 2,151Registered Users
    You shoudl research new technology's. It will be estinial that you have gunpowder when you face the europeans. Also try to ally with a european power and other natives. Do NOT fight two europeans at once or you will be crushed
    'It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent. It is the ones who are the most adaptable to change' Charles Darwin
    But I have a thing for cannon...
  • Junior MemberPosts: 27Registered Users
    allot of technology from tradeing and making deals with other nations.... i just got to where i can train rifle men but dont have enough money to build any this turn! i am at war with the British,USA,Spain,iruquai(i dont know how to spell that) , United provinces and i think a couple of others i think! only bin attacked by the spanish one time but sloughterd their army... the british attacked me from Ruperts land and stoll my capital from me.... they moved their army forward to take my province under my used to be capital province and i destroyed their army....
    i have upgraded all of my roads so i can move my armies over to reinforce eachother in nearly 1 turn. i mostly keep my armies spread out a little bit intill i am ready to attack somewhere! that way i can defend everything really easy...
    my battle plans are to help out the cherokee which are right under my nation and protect them from the americans while i am attacking and destroyeing as much as i can fro the british.....
    i am playing HH campaign! my economy is really good for now.. i need to start getting wride of my militia unites and replace them with the worrior dudes that are the normal meleee dudes!
    i hafta go so i wont be playing for a another couple of hours... i will post more once i play more!
  • Junior MemberPosts: 27Registered Users
    well the biritish where able to keep my main army bussy at ruperts land.. i had conquered it and lost it and conquered it again. while that was happening the spanish and the USA sloughtered the cherokee nations.the plains indian are like a world power wouldent want to **** them off.they are my ally's for now and hopefully for a while.
    i had exchanged some land with the plains indian... they wanted one of my teritories that only give like 200 gold one one of thiers that give like 2.5k..... i thought it was a great deal..
    i accepted and bam public unrest! i had a revolt comeing along and the spanish where comeing to attack!i had beat back the first revolt and the spanish armies , i thought whelll my army is ok (something like 3 militia and 4 norma melee indians) so i couuld probobly go and take a british province up to the far left of the US GAME MAP(or campaign map)... i got there after a couple of turn and there was no enemy army at that city...i captured it and bam public unrest in this city and the other one that i had just quenched the revolutionists.. more new a little later!have some stuff to do around the house!
  • Junior MemberPosts: 27Registered Users
    i accedently deleted the cointent fo this post so im gonna right it much shorter....
    the iraquai attacked me and i wone the battle with verry few losses...
    i counter attack and end up having to fight half a biritsh stack and 12 iraquoi stacks... the battle was long and hard.. the british had nothing left of that army and the iraquoi had lost 90 percent of their countries soldiers in that battle... the only problem is that i lost almost everything i own... i ended up wining the battle but the cost was 2 great..
    the french took ruperts land from me and if they decide to attack im done, i will loose my capital again... my army is in full reconstruction...
    i do not expect to win this campaign but i will atleast play till the end... the year is like 1812 or something liek that....
    im going to watch the walking dead. i hope to be able to play some more and then give you guys a full battle report on the massacre near the great lakes.....:D wish me luck!
    PS if i dont post anything more tonight i will do it tomorow after work!
    yours totally wasted_youth
  • edited November 2010
    This is my quick and dirty guide to the warpath campaign. Hopefully it helps.
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    I've never seen the Icarus story as a lesson on the limitations of humans. I see it as a lesson about the limitations of wax as an adhesive.
  • Junior MemberPosts: 27Registered Users
    well my campaign finished with a loss. i barely held the french the americans and the spanish at bay. it was a sweet campaign and well worth the effort fo trying to win!
    i started a new plains indians campaign and and am already half way threw it. in have the rest of the week off from work and am planing on getting some good gaming time in
    happy thanksgiving to all
    yours totally wasted_youth
  • edited November 2010
    This is my quick and dirty guide to the warpath campaign. Hopefully it helps.

    definitely read this. very handy for the warpath campaign.
    I found it quite tricky to attempt and lacked the larger number of outcomes and random events.

Empire Total War Warpath Campaign Walkthrough

Something about this Empire adjunct has been bothering us since we installed it, and we think we’ve just figured out what that something is. The campaign premise is complete buffalo balls.

It’s 1787, and here we are, chief of the lowly Iroquois, trying to figure out the best way to conquer half of the vast wilderness that is North America. If we’d chosen to play as the Plains or Pueblo Indians, the Cherokee or the Huron, we’d be doing exactly the same ludicrous thing. By focusing this download-only expansion pack on five Native American tribes and building ambitious expansionist targets into the victory conditions, Creative Assembly have created an add-on that piddles on the buckskin moccasins of history.

Fortunately, this is more or less Warpath’s only flaw. The campaign we’ve just finished (1783 to 1813, hard difficulty, Plains Indians) has to be our most enjoyable Empire experience yet. It was tight and it was turbulent – even the diplomatic cut-and-thrust felt right.

By forcing us to play as Indian nations squeezed by the coastal colonies of four territory-hungry, CPU-controlled colonial powers, Creative Assembly create instant tension. On the battlefield your hatchet-waving, bow-wielding braves are often mixing it up with musket-armed palefaces. Even with a significant numerical advantage, victories can be elusive until you start playing to the strengths of the stealthy, speedy, easily broken Indian troops. The chief who understands that every wood, hollow and patch of prairie grass is a potential hiding place, and every cluster of whooping war-bonneted horsemen the potential bait in a cunning Little Big Horn-style scalp-fest, is the chief who will live to see his empire burgeon.

Sensible Sitting Bulls also pay close attention to trade, alliances, and Warpath’s bespoke tech tree. It has its fair share of eyebrow-elevating branches (surely, in 1783 most tribes knew all there was to know about hunting, fishing, ambushes, and the ‘Spirit of the Forest’?) but it does add flavor and freshness, and provides the means for unlocking the wealth of new structures and units.

Every side has at least a couple of troop types to itself. The Huron have their Petun Wolf Warriors – crazed axemen whose wolf-skin headdresses strike fear into their foes. The Plains have Cheyenne Dog Soldiers: musket marksman who can mount-up and melt away in the blink of an eye. Late in a campaign a Pueblo player can expect to field Crow Horseman – one of the coolest cucumbers in the game – while the Iroquois may call upon Winnebago Warriors: fearsome fighters who, between skirmishes, rest up in large luxurious caravans.

Empire Total War Warpath Campaign Part 1

Napoleon total factions mod

Empire Total War All Factions

At the very top of the tech tree is a foundry, meaning progressive chiefs eventually have access to artillery batteries. Lame? No lamer than many of the other historical compromises that have made it into the game. Drilled formations of medicine men, native chiefs overseeing road-building programs and struggling to control settler unrest in ex-colonial settlements... there are moments when Warpath’s theme-abuse is almost comical. If you stop to think that you, the nomadic Plains Indians, are spending 2,000 tax-earned gold pieces on a Spiritual Circle so that you can start researching ‘Spirit Medicine’, the whole elaborate facade starts to crumble.

Obviously, the answer is not to think about such things. Consider instead that an add-on offering weeks of absorbing hatchet-rich hurly-burly can be yours for the price of a movie ticket. In a climate where top strategy game makers often ask three times as much for similarly sized supplements, Warpath has to go down as an incredible bargain.

Nov 4, 2009

This entry was posted on 08.09.2019.